Key information for our existing and prospective parents and carers.
Term Dates
Term Dates 2024/2025
Joining the school
The Heights Academy
Safeguarding pupils is the priority at The Heights Academy. We aim to involve parents and carers in all decisions concerning their child but in certain circumstances it may be necessary to consult or make a direct referral to Solihull MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) where to do otherwise could result in significant or increased risk of harm to a child. We shall also comply with any mandatory reporting responsibilities.
Special Educational Needs
View our SEND Local Offer and SEND Information Report.
Curriculum Offer
Please see information below in regards to the Curriculum Offer at The Heights
EHCP Reviews
EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plans) are reviewed once every year.
Family Support
Please see details below from Elysha, our Pupil Wellbeing and Engagement Lead.
Communication with Parents
The Heights Academy prides itself on being a community that extends to parents/carers, families and beyond. We appreciate that many of our pupils live some distance from school and come to school on school transport.